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Large areas of the western half of the island, from Rachoni to Potos, are now substantially devoid of woodland. 17,400 hectares of forest were destroyed in the two major fires and it is now estimated that only 2024 ha of mature pine forest survives in the lowlands. However, regeneration is rapid and several studies (Gitas et al 2000, Spanos 1994, Spanos & Spanos 1996, Spanos et al 2000, Spanos et al 2001) have shown the rapid establishment of typical scrub species and high germination rates for conifer seedlings. "Most burned sites on Thásos have been restored by post-fire natural regeneration, with a rich vegetation cover and high species abundance" (Spanos et al 2001) and, given protection from further fires, conifer forests will once again cover much of the lowland landscape of Thásos.
Gitas, I., Radoglou, K., Devereux, B. & Spanos, I. 2000. Comparative study of post-fire ecosystem recovery by using field plots and geographical information sysytems. Ed. V. Tsihrintzis. Proceedings of the International Conference on the Protection and Restoration of the Environment, V: pp: 651-658. University of Thrace. Makedos, I. 1987. The Pinus brutia forests of Thasos. Ed. V. Papanastasis. Proceedings of the Conference on Pinus halepensis and Pinus brutia forests - ecology, management and development, . pp: 153-160. Hellenic Association of Foresters. [in Greek] Spanos, I. 1994. Natural regeneration of Pinus brutia on the burnt areas in the northwestern areas of the island of Thasos. Geotech. Sci., 4: 33-39. [in Greek] Spanos, I.A., Daskalakou, E.N. & Thanos, C.A. 2000. Postfire, natural regeneration of Pinus brutia forests in Thasos Island, Greece. Acta Oecologica, 21: 13-20. Spanos, I. & Spanos, K. 1996. Postfire establishment and survival of Pinus brutia on the island of Thasos. pp: 163-168. Proceedings of the Second Balkan Scientific Conference, June 3-5, 1996, 1996. Sofia. Spanos, I.A., Radoglou, K.M. & Raftoyannis, Y. 2001. Site quality effects on post-fire regeneration of Pinus brutia forest on a Greek island. Applied Vegetation Science, 4: 229-236.