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The Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature was founded in 1951. The activities of the Society are directed towards any action, project or programme that has the protection of the natural environment as its aim. The Hellenic Zoological Society is a non-profit organization established in 1980 in Athens. The aims of the Society are the study of the geographic distribution (zoogeography), the ecology and the systematics of the animals that live in Greece, the conservation of the fauna of Greece and the study of relevant problems. The Hellenic Ornithological Society, founded in 1982, is the only Greek non-governmental body exclusively concerned with the protection of wild birds and their habitats in Greece.
The Hellenic Entomological Society aims to promote the science of entomology: the proliferation and communication of knowledge concerned with the distribution, ecology, physiology, ethology of insects, mites and other arthropods , mainly the organisms that are pests of plants, animals, agricultural products and humans. The society is also interested in the study of beneficial and mass reared natural enemies, the pests and diseases of these organisms as well as protecting the environment from the non- sustainable use of any agricultural products such as pesticides and other chemical substances. PDF files of journal articles from the Society's journal, Entomologia Hellenica, can be downloaded from here. Correspondence should be addressed to: Hellenic Entomological Society, P.O. Box 51214, GR - 14 5 10 Kifissia, Attiki, Greece. The Society for Protection of Nature and Ecodevelopment (EPO) was founded in 1988. It maintains the Nestos Natural History Museum and Information Centre [formerly at Chryssoupolis, 17kms north of Keramoti, but due to open soon in the old school building in the village of Avrimilia, 12 kilometres from Chryssoupolis]. EPO is involved with the establishment of sustainable development in the Delta and runs a programme of environmental education and awareness for the local community, as well as coordinating survey and monitoring of bird populations and other wildlife. Volunteer work camps for the conservation of the area are organised throughout the summer. The Society does not have a website but can be contacted at P.O. Box 124, Gr-64200 Hrysoupolis, Greece. Tel: 0030 25910 23144, or via email: [email protected] Birdwatching in Northern Greece (Birdwing) is an independent website established to promote the conservation of birds in the region by encouraging responsible tourism that will demonstrate the value of birds to the local economy. Brief accounts of some of the major birdwatching sites are accompanied by a selection of superb photographs. The project also seeks to raise money for conservation projects through the sale of a detailed and informative book (available via the website) containing up-to-date information on sites such as Lake Kerkini, Evros Delta, Porto Lagos, Dadia and the Evros Mountains. Nestos Nature Museum Managed by EPO at Chryssoupolis with displays of the wildlife of the Delta and the gardens include examples of all the major habitats. The museum was translocated to the village of Avramilia, twelve kilometres from Chryssoupolis, in 2009. Nestos Delta Visitors' Centre Run by the Ministry of the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works at Keramoti, providing information on the environment of the Delta. Living Lakes General description of the wildlife and habitats of the Aladjagola lakes in the Nestos Delta Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change - Greek Ministry responsible for Natura 2000 sites and other environmental issues Kazaviti Project Describes the cultural and environmental context of the inland village of Kazaviti and the attempts to preserve its character through the Kazaviti Agro-tourism Programme, including the restoration of its traditional architecture and agriculture and the provision of sustainable tourism. The Lichens of Greece website provides an authoritative checklist of lichen species recorded from Greece and a regularly updated Atlas of their known distribution
Parnassiana Archives is an online natural history journal for Greece publishing papers on the wildlife of Greece Βομβίνοι gr A website (in Greek) devoted to the study of bumblebees in Greece
Description of the island and its history UN Earthwatch
Geographical information for the Greek islands Thassos.2link. Directory of internet resources for Thásos, designed for Dutch and Belgian audiences but useful as a general reference site
Thassos Travel Guide concise, clear and honest descriptions of the island's resorts, with recommendations for eating out
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