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Images of Lepidoptera from Thásos (© Adrian Fowles)              



Grecian copper (female) Lycaena ottomana

Grecian copper (male) Lycaena ottomana

Grecian copper (male) Lycaena ottomana

Idas blue 

Plebeius idas

Long-tailed blue Lampides boeticus

unidentified blue

Ilex hairstreak Satyrium ilicis

Scarce swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius

Eastern wood white 

Leptidea duponcheli

Southern white admiral 

Limenitis reducta

Southern white admiral 

Limenitis reducta


Argynnis pandora


Argynnis pandora

Queen of Spain Fritillary

Issoria lathonia

Spotted fritillary

Melitaea didyma

Great banded grayling 

Brintesia circe

Lattice brown

Kirinia roxelana

Mallow skipper Carcharodus alceae


Forester moth

Adscita statices

Fiery clearwing Bembecia chrysidiformis

Hummingbird hawkmoth

Macroglossum stellatarum


If you wish to any of use these images, please have the courtesy of letting me know where they will appear ([email protected]).